
- Climate pledges built on flawed emissions data, Post investigation finds –
- How the UK transformed its electricity supply in just a decade | Carbon Bri
- Tic Tac Toe in Google Sheets ?
- Ruggedize Your Life. – by Alex Steffen – The Snap Forward
- Final JZ Senate testimony – antitrust and IoT
- Britain needs digital free trade. Across the globe, regulating Big Tech… |
- A Blueprint for a Better Digital Society
- World’s vast networks of underground fungi to be mapped for first time | Fu
- Nobel-winning stock market theory used to help save coral reefs | Coral | T
- Turing, UCL and Cambridge DARE Proposal – Online LaTeX Editor Overleaf
- 10 Tough Questions for your Chief Technology Officer | by Alex Toul | Decat
- Kindle Cloud Reader
- Intervju sa Vintom Serfom: Vintov pogled na internet danas – YouTube
- Decision on Data Best Practice Guidance and Digitalisation Strategy and Act
- Longplayer Conversation 2014: David Graeber and Brian Eno – YouTube
- Shared_Outcomes_Fund_Round_2_-_Pilot_Project_Summaries_-_FINAL.pdf
- Pluralistic: 05 Aug 2020 – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow
- A Metadata Platform for the Modern Data Stack | DataHub
- Apache Spark™ – Unified Engine for large-scale data analytics
- Trino | Distributed SQL query engine for big data
- Apache Iceberg
- Environmental Reporting Guidelines
- Homepage | Climate Disclosure Standards Board
- Economic impacts of open standards | Open Standards for Data Guidebook
- Green-Software-Foundation/software_carbon_intensity
- This AI predicts how old children are. Can it keep them safe? | WIRED UK
- Net-Zero Tool Backed by BlackRock Gives ‘Big Nudge’ on Climate – Bloomberg
- Net Zero Review Final Report – GOV.UK
- Net Zero Review Final Report – GOV.UK
- Gavin Starks – Creative Destruction Lab
- Enterprise Data Valuation — What It Is & Why It’s Worth Doing – Anmut
- 20211015_practitioners-guide-vfinal.pdf
- Data and AI | Royal Society
- Infrastructure Mapping Application (IMA) – Gemini Case Study | Centre for D
- An Emerging Technology Charter for London | GLA
- The Triumph and Terror of Wang Huning – Palladium
- Final Report from the Taskforce on Scaling Voluntary Carbon Markets | Clima
- Toward Common Metrics and Consistent Reporting of Sustainable Value Creatio
- Greening Finance: A Roadmap to Sustainable Investing – GOV.UK
- AMEE Makes Carbon Footprinting Easier and More Fun
- Digitalising the energy sector – EU action plan
- memo/eco-nft: A basic guide to ecofriendly CryptoArt (NFTs)
- Digitalising our energy system for net zero: strategy and action plan 2021
- (2) Is MHRDD the new GDPR? | LinkedIn
- Value_of_data_summary_report_26_Feb.pdf
- National Data Strategy – GOV.UK
- Data Sharing and Net Zero_Draft Outline .docx
- How open source software could revamp the aging electrical grid | Greenbiz
- Tim O’Reilly: “Instrumenting the World” | UgoTrade
- slides: DCD website development wireframes design UX UI – Google Slides
- Corporate sustainability reporting | European Commission
- The National Data Strategy (NDS): One year on
- The Climate Neutral BEE
- Climate change risk assessment 2021 | Chatham House – International Affairs
- FINAL-TCFD-Technical-Supplement-062917.pdf
- 2021-09-24 Luksch
- UK Power Networks Open Data Portal Launch Webinar | Regen
- Announcing the Recipients of the 2021 World Sustainability Award and Emergi
- Climate policy implications of nonlinear decline of Arctic land permafrost
- Plan for Jobs in action: hundreds of thousands of jobs supported in record
- Data: a new direction
- Ruminating with VINT CERF – by Jonathan Alter – OLD GOATS with Jonathan Alt
- Events | Motu
- Making Shipping’s Decade of Action a Reality
- The Centre for Improving Data Collaboration – NHSX
- Our RIIO-ED2 Business Plan – SP Energy Networks
- Coming Clean by Liz Fraser | Waterstones
- Emilia Telese – Cross Over Artist
- BROADCASTING — Liz Fraser || writer, editor, broadcaster
- Geoffrey West: The surprising math of cities and corporations | TED Talk
- Geoffrey West: The surprising math of cities and corporations | TED Talk
- This is what I tell friends who are torn about having children | Hadley Fre
- The Climate Workhorse: Extremely Cheap, Clean Electricity – The Interchange
- Monty Python’s guide to geopolitical strategy – Tortoise
- Alain de Botton on Emotional Education – YouTube
- Inflation update: These items just got more expensive for people shopping o
- Home – WikiRate
- Continuations by Albert Wenger : The World After Capital: Big Book News!
- TNFD-Nature-in-Scope-2.pdf
- Noon-ODPL Toolkit
- Morfa – Living Language Land
- Listening to Stone Beings – Architecture – e-flux
- Home > The EDISON Alliance | World Economic Forum
- Net-Zero Demands Strong Action on Emissions by 2030: New Energy Outlook 202
- Google AI Blog: High Fidelity Image Generation Using Diffusion Models
- Token: Uncovering PSD2’s Dirty Little Secret That’s Holding Back Open Banki
- Putting sound and acoustics to work in medicine | Stanford Medicine
- PCAF: Enabling financial institutions to assess greenhouse gas emissions |
- Zellar – Worlds First Sustainability Platform – Sustainability Solutions
- What are the Principles for Responsible Investment? | PRI Web Page | PRI
- Colorado River water shortage means cuts for some states in the West – The
- My Ordinary Life: Improvements Since the 1990s ·
- What is the SFDR? Sustainable Finance Disclosures – KPMG Ireland
- Wangari Maathai – Wikipedia
- Digitalising environmental sustainability_draft_v2_June 28 2021
- Climate change: Five things we have learned from the IPCC report – BBC News
- Best practices for analyzing the direct energy use of blockchain technology
- In the footsteps of Alfred Wallace: Cruise Indonesia | Tours | New Scientis
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- AZ-Fact-Sheet-2020.pdf
- We need to talk about Net Zero bullsh*t
- Insurers Won’t Keep Bailing Out Climate Disasters Like These Fires and Floo
- Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR): What To Expect | Morrison
- Epropulsion Navy 6.0 Outboard | RIBS Marine
- Change the Misleading ESG Ratings System to Fix ESG Investing
- Smart Data Working Group: Spring 2021 report – GOV.UK
- ‘Everything is on fire’: Siberia hit by unprecedented burning | Russia | Th
- HLDE 2021 | United Nations
- Paving a way for user-centric energy service system design | LinkedIn
- Digitalising our energy system for net zero: strategy and action plan – GOV
- UK considering ban on new North Sea oil and gas exploration – Offshore Ener
- Home Office Digital, Data and Technology Strategy 2024 – GOV.UK
- Future of the human climate niche | PNAS
- The UK’s transition to electric vehicles – Climate Change Committee
- Government takes historic step towards net-zero with end of sale of new pet
- Outcomes of Open Energy Phase 3 Policy Consultations – Open Energy
- Amazon rainforest now emitting more CO2 than it absorbs | Amazon rainforest
- Energy data-sharing beta test aims to help the UK move to net zero – Smart
- Making Sense Podcast #255 – The Future of Intelligence | Sam Harris
- List of competitors | Table
- 500L Baffled Flat Slimline Tank | Water Butts Direct
- Digital technology and the planet: harnessing computing to achieve net zero
- How emerging ESG standards put pressure on PE to adapt | PitchBook
- Washington’s whipping boys – POLITICO
- The Met just posted Hilary Harris’s Organism (1975) to YouTube | Boing Boin
- Lunch & Learn: Quantum Computing – YouTube
- Climate crisis ‘may put 8bn at risk of malaria and dengue’ | Global develop
- Chair job with Advanced Research and Invention Agency | 29208
- MD, Environment & Sustainability job with European Bank for Reconstruction
- 21037-dcc-data-for-good-paper_v8-final.pdf
- IEC 61970 standard based common information model extension of electricity-
- Life Cycle Databases | Greenhouse Gas Protocol
- CME Group to Launch Nature-Based Global Emissions Offset Futures on August
- Tree Planting and Carbon Offsetting | Ecologi
- global-principles-for-climate-taxonomy.pdf
- Emacs as a musical instrument – Joseph Wilk
- Slide 1
- Stories to save the world: the new wave of climate fiction | Books | The Gu
- Home – Open Insurance
- Building a Digital-Technology Foundation in Insurance
- Resolving Major Co-Founder Disputes | by Carlos E. Espinal | Jun, 2021 | Me
- UK policies will not deliver emission cuts pledge, says climate adviser | C
- DataHub: Popular metadata architectures explained | LinkedIn Engineering
- Blue Planet Fund – GOV.UK
- Wormhole entanglement solves black hole paradox | New Scientist
- Roadmap Provides 36 Solutions to Cut Greenhouse Gas Emissions 50% by 2030 W
- Exponential Roadmap Initiative |
- CRREM – Make decarbonisation measurable & Manage Carbon Risk
- The Rt Hon Steve Barclay MP – GOV.UK
- Data standards for energy system modeling – Open data – Open Energy Modelli
- Home – Infrastructure Tool Navigator
- LawtechUK Hub
- Our children are full of love and joy, testament to everyone who’s let them
- Five Things to Know about Blue Bonds | IDB Invest
- Smart Data Working Group: Spring 2021 report
- Lloyd’s of London steps back from coal in first climate change policy | Reu
- Sustainable-Corporate-Accountability-in-the-EU.pdf
- Quick links ►
- Rutger Bregman
- Price-Intelligently-SaaS-Pricing-Strategy.pdf
- Elinor Ostrom: Fighting the Tragedy of the Commons – Books & ideas
- Elinor Ostrom- the “non-tragedy of the commons” | Water, Land and Ecosystem
- Ecology and the Tragedy of the Commons
- The rise and fall of the world’s largest lake | Science | AAAS
- East-West Center and Hawai‘i Green Growth Local2030 Hub Sign Cooperative Ag
- TCFD public consultation | Financial services: Regulation tomorrow
- EIC Accelerator
- CGFI – The UK Centre for Greening Finance and Investment
- The Resilience Shift
- Net Zero Finance: Financial innovation and how to bridge the green investme
- Unlocking a Renewable Energy Future: How Government Action Can Drive Privat
- UK brings forward world-leading climate change legislation – GOV.UK
- Colouring London
- How Can We Stop Losing Our Minds?: Producing a Legacy From Development Proj
- Sarah Perry
- Award-Winning Referral Marketing Platform | Mention Me
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- Net Zero by 2050 – A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector
- Open Energy Application — Sustainable Ventures
- BABY Audio – Freebies – Magic Switch and Baby Comeback
- Webinar series: Measuring the emerging economy – The Data City
- I’m an Investor | Decelera | World’s First Startup Decelerator
- Data for “Open” energy | BCS Data Management specialist group – YouTube
- How did a green, newbie hedge fund out-play Exxon so comprehensively? | Nil
- Novelist Cory Doctorow on the Problem With Intellectual Property
- Jeff Bezos thinks our cultural heritage is just ‘intellectual property’ | N
- High Tide Don’t Hide – Documentary Edge
- Home – Green Swans Observatory
- Western Power Distribution – Energy data hub
- 2020 monthly timesheet – Google Sheets
- Announcing our partnership with Google – Tomorrow Blog
- Our data centers now work harder when the sun shines and wind blows
- Your Life in Weeks — Wait But Why
- spotify-album-art · PyPI
- Let’s make sure our personal data works for us – not against us – after the
- Slowdown Papers – Medium
- Beating the abatement cost curve for growth | McKinsey
- Vikas Shah and Stephen Hill appointed to BEIS Board – GOV.UK
- concode_charter.pdf
- ConCode Community of Coders in Conservation | International Institute for C
- Help, it’s 1,000 trillion degrees in here! The Big Bang artwork that makes
- Wind Energy Benchmarking Services Limited – Wind Energy Benchmarking Servic
- Toughen planned climate reporting rules for UK firms, say investors | News
- UN-convened Net-Zero Insurance Alliance – United Nations Environment – Fina
- Planning Golden Thread – General discussion – DT Hub Community
- From protection to prevention: The role of cooperative and mutual insurance
- Bank of England Staff Working Paper No. 918
- protégé
- Open Power System Data – A platform for open data of the European power sys
- Introducing the Open Energy Ontology: Enhancing data interpretation and int
- Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity | The White House
- AI Energy Collaboration and Innovation
- Decarbonization: Demystifying the Drive to Net Zero | Jacobs: If/When
- ODI publish new report on sharing engineering data
- How the cult of Bill Gates is leading us towards a climate disaster | Varsi
- Saber pusher for delicate yacht locks | TOPLIGHT
- About the fish doorbell – visdeurbel
- Abstract – Fission Whitepaper
- What is Tidy Data?. A must-know concept for Data… | by Benedict Neo | Towar
- nitter
- With Constructor Theory, Chiara Marletto Invokes the Impossible | Quanta Ma
- Gregory Bateson: Old Men Ought to be Explorers
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- Brand Confidence: How Has Open Banking Evolved And Do Customers Trust It?
- Unlocking the potential of the UK’s green mortgage market
- slides: 2021 DEV Icebreaker One IB1 schematics – diagrams – charts – #SHARE
- Accountability Emergency: A review of UK-listed companies’ climate change-r
- From protection to prevention: the role of cooperative and mutual insurance
- Guest view: Getting finance in shape for COP26 | Reuters
- Strange Attractor Press | The MIT Press
- Get the science right when paying for nature’s services | Science
- Net-Zero Banking Alliance – United Nations Environment – Finance Initiative
- Alexander Rose: Continuity: Discovering the Lessons behind the World’s Long
- Machines: Global Village Construction Set | Open Source Ecology
- Insurance business written in the reporting country
- A waterproof Raspberry Pi?! Five 3D-printable projects to try – Raspberry P
- Kinograph: preserving 1920s movies with a Raspberry Pi – Raspberry Pi
- Sample chapter ~ RCL 20 ~ Limitless Innovations
- UK-GBC EC Developing Client Brief.pdf
- How To Be Hopeless – YouTube
- One year on, tell us what you think! – General discussion – DT Hub Communit
- Annual Benchmark Report – Public Resources – DT Hub Community
- Open Future: Open Life(span) as a foundation to reinvent liberalism – Open
- New Zealand introduces climate change law for financial firms in world firs
- Open Life Data to support healthy longevity for all – The Lancet Healthy Lo
- Sustainable Health Equity: Achieving a Net-Zero UK – IHE
- Mapping data ecosystems – Google Docs
- Methods | Service Innovation Handbook
- ‘It has never been more pertinent’ – Margaret Atwood on the chilling genius
- The Open Data Challenge Series | Nesta
- Zettelkasten – Wikipedia
- Decarbonising heating at home | The Institute for Government
- Mapping data ecosystems – Google Docs
- Understanding personas in agricultural data… | Documents | Gates Open Res
- Here’s why companies should assess double materiality | Greenbiz
- Guest viewpoint: Francesco Curto, DWS | Features | IPE
- Don’t let big banks run reforms, says Tide chief Oliver Prill | Business |
- How can we stop losing our minds? Producing a legacy from development proje
- State of Open: The UK in 2021, OpenUK Report – OpenUK
- Advisory Group on open finance | FCA
- Meet – Ofgem/Icebreaker One
- Energy Data Visibility Project (EDVP) – Contracts Finder
- Tony Curzon Price | FCA Insight
- Cleaning Corporate Governance by Jens Frankenreiter, Cathy Hwang, Yaron Nil
- Tomorrow – Team
- Enabling secure and scalable non-financial reporting and data flows – Futur
- Open Sustainable Technology
- Photonic laser thruster could power spacecraft from Earth | New Scientist
- How Not To Commit To ‘Net Zero’: 5 Common Carbon Strategy Mistakes
- Open Footprint Forum | The Open Group Website
- The Kalifa Review of UK FinTech – GOV.UK
- ODI startup incubator – The ODI
- A manifesto for sharing engineering data – The ODI
- [TidalClub] Technical tour of a tidal system – YouTube
- Maths Genie • Learn GCSE Maths for Free
- Climate change: West Antarctica’s Getz glaciers flowing faster – BBC News
- Subak – An accelerator and data cooperative for climate NGOs
- The Registry! :: home
- Global Infrastructure Partners
- Solutions | Project Drawdown
- JMIR – Barriers to Working With National Health Service England’s Open Data
- The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship
- JMIR Public Health and Surveillance – Agile Requirements Engineering and So
- ‘Unlocking innovation’: National green finance research hubs set for London
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- Wishart_Trevor_On_Sonic_Art.pdf
- slides: DEV Icebreaker One IB1 — 2020 schematics – diagrams – charts – #SHA
- TonnEdge | TonnEdge – Get an edge in tonnage
- DNV GL Low Carbon Shipping Towards 2050 | Low Carbon Economy | Greenhouse G
- Open Data & Banking pioneer transforms access to Climate data
- Announcing Climate Policy Radar – on a mission to map and analyse the globa
- News & Views — All Party Parliamentary Group for Longevity
- Ubuntoo | The Environmental Solutions Platform
- The essential trustee: what you need to know, what you need to do – GOV.UK
- Google Sheets Custom Number Format Rules And Examples
- Oto Nove Swiss Paris, February 21 to 23, 2020
- Gavin Starks | Contributors | So Far
- Maritime Decarbonisation Hub exclusive virtual launch event.
- How to Overclock With ASRock UEFI BIOS – Overclocking The AMD Ryzen APUs: G
- Frictionless Data | Frictionless Data
- Where to Begin With Biosphere’s Dreamlike Electronica | Bandcamp Daily
- Google Sheets BEATS Excel with THESE 10 Features! – YouTube
- Our unhealthy nation – The Lancet Healthy Longevity
- Generation Open. Open Utility was at the ODI Summit on… | by Open Utility |
- Councillors not confident about zero emissions plan | Local Government Chro
- Research Output
- dli (David Li)
- Energy white paper: Powering our net zero future – GOV.UK
- RIIO-2 Final Determinations – Core Document
- Federation of Imaging Data for Life sciences: current status of metadata co
- Government sets out plans for clean energy system and green jobs boom to bu
- Meet the startup bringing hard data to impact investing | Sifted
- Green & Social Bond Principles launch new guidelines on climate transition
- David Graeber: ‘To save the world, we’re going to have to stop working’
- Sixth Carbon Budget – Climate Change Committee
- Better Business. Better Planet. – future Net Zero
- Home – DT Hub Community
- Home – DT Hub Community
- Interview: The role of AI in climate change and insurance | Insurance Wire
- Open Data Standards :: Oasis Loss Modelling Framework
- London Office of Technology and Innovation (LOTI) | London Councils
- Cambridgeshire Climate Emergency
- Infrastructure and Climate Change | Saul Griffith – YouTube
- Achieving net zero – National Audit Office (NAO) Report
- OPEN_Designing-sustainable-data-institutions_ODI_2020.pdf
- Council climate emergency action plans – Google Sheets
- Barclays-Plc-Green-Bond-Investor-Report-February-2019.pdf
- Using machine learning to predict energy efficiency | Data Science Campus
- Net Zero North – N8 Research Partnership
- We are launching our new Data Exchange Service | Ofgem
- Market opinion : Green issues : Jannah Patchay – Best Execution
- #SHARED Data for the wider economy 2020-08 – Google Docs
- Enhancing_the_UK_s_Geospatial_Ecosystem.pdf
- Case Study: National Underground Asset Register (NUAR) Pilot Programme | Ce
- Net Zero Report – Tech Nation
- Getting-data-rightperspectives-on-the-UK-National-Data-Strategy-2020.pdf
- Ofgem metadata | Ofgem
- Open Carbon
- Why Are Humans So Smart – Why Humans Are So Smart—And So Stressed Out –
- A plan for transitioning infrastructure to net-zero | Institution of Civil
- Risk Data Library
- Website – Pixieset
- 401 Authorization Required
- Chancellor sets out ambition for future of UK financial services – GOV.UK
- Boundless: EP7 Infinite Leaders: Gavin Starks, Founder at IcebreakerOne.or
- Boundless on Apple Podcasts
- Revealed: Covid recovery plans threaten global climate hopes | Environment
- E13 – Transportation – metrics.pdf
- The Scotsman Data Conference 2020 – Agenda
- Why Radical Change is Required to Address the Climate Crisis: Nesta talks t
- The Mattereum Big Deck.pdf – Google Drive
- Coalition for Climate Resilient Investment
- Is data broking broke? Unpicking the ICO ‘s recent investigation, Elle Todd
- America might finally get open banking — but not without a fight – Protocol
- A New Thermodynamics Theory of the Origin of Life | Quanta Magazine
- Offline: COVID-19 is not a pandemic – The Lancet
- Catastrophe Insight
- Resilience insights gained in the face of COVID-19.
- 20200122-if-natcat2020.pdf
- View Notice – myTenders
- IRIS Catalog of Metrics | IRIS System
- GSMA_Data_Value_Chain_June_2018.pdf
- Q3 2020 Open Banking tracker | Vocalink Mastercard
- ‘Sleeping giant’ Arctic methane deposits starting to release, scientists fi
- UK Artificial Intelligence analysis 2020 – The Data City
- Apache Airflow
- Report: Green recovery plans boost income, employment and GDP – We Mean Bus
- The role of data in sustainable investment, policy and regulation – OMFIF
- Climate change: Technology no silver bullet, experts tell PM – BBC News
- Global financial institutions commit to disclose carbon emissions | Triodos
- Coalition of UK banks launched to standardise carbon accounting
- Sustainability – Sustainability Report | Samsung SDI
- AI in the Wild | The MIT Press
- Stakeholders Dialogue on Common European Data Spaces | Shaping Europe’s dig
- Clash of Giants | Office Magazine
- Public, Private, and International Organizations Call for a Data Revolution
- The Changing Sounds of Cities During Covid, Mapped – Bloomberg
- Report: the Development Impact of Risk Analytics | Insurance Development Fo
- Bioregions 2020 | One Earth
- Renewable energy threatens to overwhelm the grid. Here’s how it can adapt.
- Episode 49: Albert Wenger, Managing Partner at Union Square Ventures — My C
- ASK HIGH JULIE – The Meaning of Life – YouTube
- Blog: What is the point of a National Digital Twin? by Miranda Sharp | Cent
- Cooler / Climate Technology
- The music industry has been left to die – UnHerd
- World Energy Outlook 2020 – Analysis – IEA
- Public Sector Geospatial Agreement
- K: The Overlooked Variable That’s Driving the Pandemic – The Atlantic
- If Things Feel Bleak, It’s Because This Way of Life is Coming to an End | b
- Wave 1 seedcorn-funded proposals – UK Research and Innovation
- Europe is building a ‘digital twin’ of Earth to revolutionize climate forec
- Energy Data Review – Energy Systems Catapult
- ODI Open Data Certificate
- The Global Open Banking Report 2020 – Beyond Open Banking, Into the Open Fi
- Forecast Update: Making Forecast Publicly Available in the US and Canada –
- delivering-a-net-zero-national-health-service.pdf
- Big data — a twenty first century arms race | Refinitiv
- A climate intelligence arms race in financial markets | Science
- Oxford launches new principles for credible carbon offsetting | University
- 40% of world’s plant species at risk of extinction | Plants | The Guardian
- Kubernetes
- Climatescape
- mukul_ambient | Mukul Ambient | Free Listening on SoundCloud
- A good life for all within planetary boundaries
- Now it’s Pig Brother! | Daily Mail Online
- Global Launch | Countdown: To a better future.
- Entrepreneurs for a low carbon world: How environmental knowledge and polic
- Regulatory Initiatives Grid – September 2020
- Melting Antarctic ice will raise sea level by 2.5 metres – even if Paris cl
- Museum Futures Assessor Reveals Her Other Roles. — Museum Futures
- ukerc-systematic-mapping-of-energy-participation-2010-2015.pdf
- Open Transport welcomes legislation to mandate transport industry participa
- Modernising Energy Data – Modernising Energy Data
- An early draft of Data Best Practice guidance is available | Ofgem
- How the oil industry made us doubt climate change – BBC News
- Deep posteromedial cortical rhythm in dissociation | Nature
- Ki launch May 2020 | Brit Insurance
- Blackstone Backs Algorithm at Lloyd’s of London That Could Change Insurance
- Investing in a better world
- Election 2020: Financial sector will have to report on climate change risk
- IoT Goes Nuclear: Creating a ZigBee Chain Reaction | Eyal Ronen
- Our stories – A breakthrough in artificial intelligence ethics and trust –R
- GtR
- Opinion | America Is Going to Decapitate Huawei – The New York Times
- Transition to Zero Pollution: Launch Event Tickets, Wed 23 Sep 2020 at 16:3
- Ask for Evidence | Data Science: A guide for society
- BOOK.indb
- [1303.5113] A theory of regularity structures
- Digital ESG Commodities 1.0. Principles for Building a Common Data… | by Th
- Consumers and businesses to be given more control of data under new laws –
- “Exploring how to Deliver Data Standards in the Financial Services Sector”
- Andrew G Haldane: Towards a common financial language
- Next steps for Smart Data: putting consumers and SMEs in control of their d
- H21
- Privacy is One-Half of Invention | LinkedIn
- DWP launches consultation on pension scheme climate risk governance and rep
- Climate risk: Amazon, Allianz, Microsoft, and S&P Global join open data ini
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- Clean maritime plan: Maritime 2050 environment route map – GOV.UK
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- Private Sector Voluntary Carbon Markets Taskforce Launched – Markets Media
- Sharing data to help launch the Linux Foundation Climate Finance Foundation
- External Finance and Remittances, Jobs and Inclusive Growth | United Nation
- Recovering Better for Sustainability | United Nations
- Data-Driven-Issues-Paper-July-2019.pdf
- The Appallingly Bad Neoclassical Economics of Climate Change | Prof Steve K
- Microsoft Word – Data As Infrastructure – Final 4 with accreditation.docx
- Erik Satie. Piano. Gnossienne No 3. Partitura. Audición. – YouTube
- Getting Started with Qiskit — Qiskit 0.20.0 documentation
- The case against growth
- Qiskit
- Storage cost and technical assumptions for electricity storage technologies
- Introducing the Government Data Standards Authority – Data in government
- FloodFlash Insurance – Rapid-payout commercial flood cover
- Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the Universe: And Our Place Within
- Championing a platform to boost access to finance for small businesses | Ba
- Megawhat? How The World’s Energy and Electricity is Generated — Information
- Zenroom – crypto vm, end-to-end cryptography for multi-platform apps and bl
- Jeff Bezos, Jack Ma, and the Quest to Kill eBay | by Steve Yegge | Medium
- Dear Google Cloud: Your Deprecation Policy is Killing You | by Steve Yegge
- Cassiel | Nick Rothwell
- How Taiwan’s Unlikely Digital Minister Hacked the Pandemic | WIRED
- Amazon’s Jeff Bezos creates Fellowship Ventures for $10 billion climate cha
- Amazon’s Jeff Bezos creates Fellowship Ventures for $10 billion climate cha
- Joint ESA consultation on ESG disclosures
- Decarbonisation and Green Finance – Committees – UK Parliament
- Consultation: Net Zero Investment Framework – IIGCC
- Energy Performance of Buildings Data England and Wales
- Climate Ready
- Energy Literacy
- US Energy Flow Super Sankey — Otherlab
- WebPlotDigitizer – Extract data from plots, images, and maps
- Options for establishing a consumer data right in New Zealand | Ministry of
- Blog : Facebook’s Libra project : Sehra and Patchay 1/2 – Best Execution
- Zeroing-In-Investing-to-Decarbonise-Operational-Infrastructure_EN-Final.pdf
- Analysts to help align economic recovery plans with net-zero
- Designing and Communicating Net-Zero Targets | World Resources Institute
- ‘Icebreaker’: Analysts to advise on marrying economic recovery with net zer
- €1m project launched to inform a net-zero Covid-19 economic recovery – Smar
- New Report -‘Zeroing In: Investing to Decarbonise Operational Infrastructur
- public-procurement/ at master · theodi/public-procurement · GitHub
- our-commitment-to-sustainability-full-report.pdf
- Open Transport – An API Specification for Account Interoperability
- COVID-19 Collaboration Exchange
- Blade Runner Ambience – YouTube
- ‘Butterfly effect’ is wrong and reality can ‘heal itself’, quantum scientis
- Modified Gravity Theory Passes a Critical Test | Quanta Magazine
- Modified Gravity Theory Passes a Critical Test | Quanta Magazine
- Anatomy of an AI System
- NIME – algorithmic pattern – Alex McLean
- Archives Unleashed Project scales up with Archive-It for better collection
- Space Images | Cygnus Loop Nebula
- fsb-open-energy-report-final.pdf
- What is Open Energy and could it become a reality in the UK? | Computerworl
- Rational expectations – honestlyreal
- A systemic resilience approach to dealing with Covid-19 and future shocks
- Bringing NHS data analysis into the 21st century – Ben Goldacre, Martin Bar
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- Rebecca Solnit on Women’s Work and the Myth of the Art Monster | Literary H
- Slow but sure: exploring open banking’s potential for streamlining citizen
- Climate Conversation Map provides insight to help global organizations
- Photographer Updates Postcards Of 1960s Resorts Into Their Abandoned Ruins
- Resurgence – Rwanda 2020 report – charts diagrams schematics – Google Slide
- Sentinel Playground | Sentinel Hub
- CSV on the Web: A Primer
- Mastercard Open Banking Solutions Support Innovation, Collaboration Across
- The Great Climate Migration Has Begun – The New York Times
- EU Approves Biggest Green Stimulus in History With $572 Billion Plan – Bloo
- Covid-19 reveals critical flaw in European power systems – lack of flexibil
- Report sets out investment strategy to reach net zero | New Anglia Energy
- Home – SPECIAL
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- Figures in the Sky
- OpenAI’s GPT-3 may be the biggest thing since bitcoin
- OpenAI’s GPT-3 may be the biggest thing since bitcoin
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- The Centre for Public Data
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- “Mars Mind and Bodies, Design for a Multi-planetary Species” Exhibition at
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- Here are the UK’s 5 leading open banking providers – AltFi
- Solutions Cost Per Tonne | Project Drawdown
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- Become a member | Bond
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- Publishing open data in times of crisis – The ODI
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- Figma: the collaborative interface design tool.
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- Dark Matter vs. Aether | Discover Magazine
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- What does a chart sound like? | Financial Times
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- Indian states must provide clean air and water or pay damages, supreme cour
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- Tech issues: The myth of inevitable technological progress – Vox
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- Decoding the UN Climate Action Summit | E3G
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- The new ecosystem of data trusts – Vincent Straub – Medium
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- Changing weather could put insurance firms out of business – Blown cover
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- What is biodiversity and why does it matter to us? | News | The Guardian
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- We Should Never Have Called It Earth – The On Being Project
- Top 4 Markdown Editors for Google Drive – Make Tech Easier
- UK accused of spoiling the green bond party | Financial Times
- PwC Report: Open Banking market could be worth £7.2bn by 2022
- What is Data Value and Should it be Viewed as a Corporate Asset? – DATAVERS
- Gartner Report: Data Should Be Counted as a Balance-Sheet Asset | GoodData
- For The First Time, Physicists Have Observed a Giant Magnetic ‘Bridge’ Betw
- Charting a Way Forward on Privacy and Data Portability | Facebook Newsroom
- Opinion: Use blockchain to build a global data commons | Internet of Busine
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- P2P Accounting for Planetary Survival – Commons Transition
- Thermodynamic Accounting of Ecosystem Contribution to Economic Sectors with
- Scientists Have Been Underestimating the Pace of Climate Change – Scientifi
- Koga E-Nova | Delivers great comfort
- WebGL Fluid Simulation
- Stanford’s Sapolsky On Depression in U.S. (Full Lecture) – YouTube
- Jeffrey Epstein’s Intellectual Enabler | The New Republic
- Trade Account | Login or Sign Up Now | Victorian Plumbing
- Allendale Slate Grey Kitchen | Fitted Kitchens | Howdens
- Data economy: Can businesses innovate as data regulations tighten?
- Asset managers warned over poor data governance in ESG rush | News | IPE
- Intensity – The Physics Hypertextbook
- Bulk Modulus of Gases | Bulk Modulus Formula
- Aether (mythology) – Wikipedia
- The EAGLE Project
- The EAGLE Project
- EAGLE simulation – YouTube
- Speed of sound – Wikipedia
- Maths and tech specialists need Hippocratic oath, says academic | Science |
- Why the big bang was not the beginning | New Scientist
- Goodbye big bang, hello big silence | New Scientist
- What if there was no big bang and we live in an ever-cycling universe? | Ne
- What if there was no big bang and we live in an ever-cycling universe? | Ne
- Global Infrastructure Outlook
- Microsoft Word – 03_GIH report_20 July 2017 v8
- Continuations by Albert Wenger
- When someone tells you, “The climate is always changing,” show them this ca
- Promoting sustainable finance won’t help save the planet: consultant | News
- Promoting sustainable finance won’t help save the planet: consultant | News
- Promoting sustainable finance won’t help save the planet: consultant | News
- Indonesian flooding disaster bears the hallmarks of agriculture and mining
- Analysis: UK’s CO2 emissions fell for record sixth consecutive year in 2018
- Hypothesis
- Conquering Carbon: Carbon Emissions, Carbon Markets and the Consumer | NHBS
- Open Data on AWS
- 9 bed Detached house for sale in Isle of Arran, KA27 8PX
- Arnhall Whiting Bay Arran – YouTube
- Giant sinkholes appear as wildfires rage near Siberia
- (Don’t) hold the phone: new features coming to Pixel 4
- Cement Companies Are Starting to Get a $33 Trillion Headache – Bloomberg
- A framework and processes for opening data –
- PSD2’s narrow focus limiting the potential of Open Banking – report
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- With $32 Trillion In Assets, Investors Demand Immediate Action On Climate C
- Is reality real? How evolution blinds us to the truth about the world | New
- LightSail 2 has used sunlight alone to steer around Earth | New Scientist
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- Home – Poseidon Principles
- 28 companies with combined market cap of $1.3 trillion step up to new level
- The bright side of being blue: Depression as an adaptation for analyzing co
- Data Driven: Canada’s Economic Opportunity – Business Council of Canada
- The future of insurance is happening without insurance firms – Run for cove
- We urge UK government to overhaul its use of data – The ODI
- We’re pushing 28,000 species closer to extinction | New Scientist
- Icebreaker One: Addressing the Multi-Trillion Risk and Opportunity of the C
- About | 6heads
- Bloxstore – Simplifying your licensing journey – Bloxstore
- House of Commons – Register Of All-Party Parliamentary Groups as at 27 Marc
- Privacy Manifesto – Project VRM
- Recurring Billing | Subscription Billing Software – Chargify
- How the Trump Administration Is Torpedoing Climate Science – Scientific Ame
- Systemic Constellations Workshop July 2019 Tickets, Sat, Jul 27, 2019 at 10
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- At least 50 people dead and 1 million affected by floods in south Asia | Wo
- A Psychologist Explains Why People Don’t Give a Shit About Climate Change –
- Gregorian Voices • Relaxing Music Generator
- India air pollution: Will Gujarat’s ‘cap and trade’ programme work? – BBC N
- Open Climate Fix
- PSD2: open banking and the future of payments
- EasyXDI
- Climate Change Liability Risk Conference : Clyde & Co (en)
- (PDF) Beyond Interdisciplinarity: Developing a Global Transdisciplinary Fra
- The weirdest stars we’ve ever seen have astronomers utterly baffled | New S
- The time paradox: How your brain creates the fourth dimension | New Scienti
- Governments and firms in 28 countries sued over climate crisis – report | E
- How Google, Microsoft, and Big Tech Are Automating the Climate Crisis | Giz
- World After Capital
- The new left economics: how a network of thinkers is transforming capitalis
- Bill McKibben: Winning Slowly Is the Same as Losing
- The ICMIF 5-5-5 Mutual Microinsurance Strategy | 5-5-5
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- We Need a Data-Rich Picture of What’s Killing the Planet | WIRED
- The chart that defines our warming world – BBC News
- Over 16,000 sound effects from the BBC archive are now available for free
- MIT Media Lab director Joi Ito on Kara Swisher podcast Recode Decode – Vox
- Icebreaker One – pitch deck – Google Slides
- General Electric to scrap California power plant 20 years early – Reuters
- UK Research and Innovation launches major programmes to tackle climate chan
- soliton – Google Search
- Line-up
- Scientists shocked by Arctic permafrost thawing 70 years sooner than predic
- Institute for New Economic Thinking
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- [1906.05433] Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning
- Japan sets carbon neutral goal
- Fossil fuels given £2.5 billion by UK overseas
- The safeguard mechanism – Overview | Department of the Environment and Ener
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- Gadafi – First Snow by paranoidtxt | Mixcloud
- Sustainability Policy –
- How the EU’s sustainability taxonomy will work for investors | News | IPE
- Investors See ‘Material Risk’ in Ignoring ESG | Institutional Investor
- BBC – Future – How modern life is transforming the human skeleton
- SRI fund tool filter searches May 2019 | Fund EcoMarket
- Bank of England issues climate risk guidance to ‘unlock action’ from insure
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- Companies report financial impact of climate risk – Lexology
- What will it take for the UK to reach net zero emissions? | Environment | T
- All of the World’s Carbon Emissions in One Giant Chart
- A framework for assessing financial impacts of physical climate change – a
- 9 things you can do about climate change
- Global Risk Assessment Framework |
- Memories May Not Live in Neurons’ Synapses – Scientific American
- I WILL NOT FORGET – AI told me
- What I saw before the darkness on Vimeo
- Crossroads: Counter-terrorism and the Internet – Texas National Security Re
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- Arundhati Roy: ‘I don’t want to become an interpreter of the east to the we
- NASA makes their entire media library publicly accessible and copyright fre
- Jim Simons, the Numbers King | The New Yorker
- About
- Giordano Bruno – Wikipedia
- Alaska mayor says he’s trying to encourage climate change adaptation throug
- Towards a technological utopia | The Spectator
- Mobilising the Missing Trillions to Solve the SDGs by 2030
- Open banking aims to create competition in payments space | RNZ News
- Mini universes could be constantly exploding at every point in space | New
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- Phil Booth on Twitter: “An #OpenData Index of (Shared) Data would be essent
- Campaign for Freedom of Information » Secrecy under the Environment (Princi
- EurAqua 25th anniversary celebration on June 11 in Brussels (PEER)
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- Boards’ fiduciary duty to keep informed on global issues | LinkedIn
- Dimensions of Museum Data – Whitney Digital – Medium
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- The Mo’ Flo’ Mojo: “Are we the bad guys?”
- Marine biologist on a mission | ETH Zurich
- Market Data Initiative – Monitoring
- Belt and Road Tracker | Council on Foreign Relations
- Beyond the gap: How countries can afford the infrastructure they need while
- About – Cervest
- Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development .:. Sus
- Visions for the Future Internet · Nesta
- Welcome – HiLo Maritime Risk Management
- UN report: Humans accelerating extinction of species
- ODRL – Wikipedia
- From Digital Sovereignty to the Web of Nations – Cyber Security Southampton
- Thinkers360 – Connecting premier thought leaders and authentic influencers
- Stopping (https) phishing – Cyber Security Southampton – Medium
- – Contaminated Land in Great Britain
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- A researcher with ALS wishes a polygenic analysis had warned him – STAT
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- Microsoft launches a drag-and-drop machine learning tool | TechCrunch
- Inside A Warehouse Where Thousands Of Robots Pack Groceries – YouTube
- Regulating Facebook will be one of the greatest challenges in human history
- The Color of Pomegranates (1969) – YouTube
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- Going open: assessing risk – Defra digital
- This seven-year-old girl from Manipur will represent India at a UN conclave
- Why we all need to stop worrying about climate change (and what to do inste
- Harvesting the Biosphere | The MIT Press
- THE WHITE PAPER – ignota
- Shareholders Are Getting Serious About Sustainability
- How to Create the Climate Strategy Your Company Needs
- Consequence Scanning – doteveryone
- Call for Artists – SPINE – Arts and Science Exhibition, Lancaster Universit
- ESG: The missing dimension in risk management | Magazine | IPE
- Home | Carbon Brief » Clear on climate
- Metabolic
- Market Design | The MIT Press
- Home | UKCRIC
- single digital presence – The British Library
- Building a Single Digital Presence for Public Libraries
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- Shortcoming of ITQ systems for fisheries — ScienceDaily
- Ecology and Society: A Cautionary Note on Individual Transferable Quotas
- Low-carbon fuel standard – Wikipedia
- The End of Economics? – Foreign Policy
- Has economics failed us? Hardly | Larry Summers
- The Art of Designing Markets
- BBC Computer Literacy Project Archive
- Google AI Blog: Federated Learning: Collaborative Machine Learning without
- Data licensing | Our data | British Geological Survey (BGS)
- The Changing Face of Economics: Conversations with Cutting Edge Economists
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- Paul Milgrom and Organizational Economics
- Market design – Wikipedia
- Why the wind power industry epitomises the relevance of data in the new eco
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- Climate risk: Central banks call for action on disclosure, taxonomies | New
- Terminology – UNISDR
- ‘It’s already begun’: Feedback loops will make climate change even worse, s
- Home – XDI
- Home – XDI
- Home – XDI
- Home – XDI
- Why environmental law is the right approach | ClientEarth
- OERS – Planing: Product Examples – Airtable
- Market-based capital allocation does not support long-term decision-making
- Direct imaging of active orbitals in quantum materials
- The Digital Person: A Symposium 2019 Tickets, Tue 30 Apr 2019 at 10:00 | Ev
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- The promise of AI in audio processing – Towards Data Science
- With Climate Losses Rising, Central Banks Push Greener Finance
- Irene Ng – Medium
- 15 Months of Fresh Hell Inside Facebook | WIRED
- TEQs – Addressing Climate Change and Fair Access to Energy
- Avoiding the storm: Climate change and the financial system – speech by Sar
- R&D: Can data trusts increase or help data sharing? – The ODI
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- Danish pension funds set greener investment goals | News | IPE
- Mapping data ecosystems – The ODI
- Counterfeit goods total $509B, 3.3% of global trade and growing | Supply Ch
- Trust in data is ‘new currency’ for the Co-op – The ODI
- Say hello to Yoti’s new Social Impact Strategy
- UIDAI’s Aadhaar Software Hacked, ID Database Compromised, Experts Confirm |
- The Principles
- World Bank arm launches ‘impact investment’ standards | Financial Times
- Programme de mécénat | Climate and Biodiversity Initiative
- 1000 litre Baffled Water Tank, Flat | Tanks Direct Ltd
- Somnium (novel) – Wikipedia
- Wendy S. Parker, Computer Simulation, Measurement, and Data Assimilation –
- Music, Feeling, and Transcendence: Nick Cave on AI, Awe, and the Splendor o
- A Madman Dreams of Tuning Machines: The Story of Joseph Weber, the Tragic H
- The Jazz of Physics: Cosmologist and Saxophonist Stephon Alexander on Decod
- Figuring – Maria Popova – Google Books
- Margaret Fuller on the Power of Music – Brain Pickings
- Margaret Fuller on the Power of Music – Brain Pickings
- – Epistemology in the Cloud – On Fake News and Digital Soverei
- 7 Transforming the Nation’s AQM System to Meet the Challenges of the Coming
- Time’s running out to meet next AB 617 deadline – Duvas
- Insurtech Lemonade Raises $300 Million; SoftBank, Allianz, Alphabet Among I
- Supporting partners – Resilient Cities 2019
- Spending time in space causes subtle physiological changes, Nasa twins stud
- Environment Watchdogs Harness AI to Track Overflowing Factory-Farm Waste –
- 5G: if you build it, we will fill it — Benedict Evans
- Washington Monthly | The World Is Choking on Digital Pollution
- Limiting climate change could save the US a ton of money | Ars Technica
- What kind of content is Europeana looking for? | Europeana Pro
- How I coined the term ‘open source’ |
- IPFS is the Distributed Web
- Why the world’s governments are interested in creating hubs for open data –
- The #FutureMuseum Project: What will museums be like in the future? – Museu
- Home – Carbon Tracker Initiative
- Nitrogen dioxide pollution mapped / Sentinel-5P / Copernicus / Observing th
- Data Packages
- Watercolour World
- 25 years ago Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented the Web. Which were the competito
- (24) The Gartner Hype Cycle over the years | LinkedIn
- Smart Dust Is Coming. Are You Ready?
- Hot cross bun brownies | delicious. magazine
- Why the Guardian is putting global CO2 levels in the weather forecast | Env
- Yokohama Strategy and Plan of Action for a Safer World: guidelines for natu
- About — Marmalade
- Personality of the Year 2016: Mark Carney :: Environmental Finance
- Stuff in Space
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- Rebecca Solnit: When the Hero is the Problem | Literary Hub
- Data Licensing: Taking into Account Data Ownership | Thomson Reuters Legal
- Homepage – IMI – European Commission
- Dr Brad Coombes – The University of Auckland
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- Worms For Teletext: The story behind a long lost technical marvel – Team17
- BankTrack – Banking on Climate Change – Fossil Fuel Finance Report Card 201
- Tools & resources – The ODI
- Owl Bird Eyes Eagle – Free photo on Pixabay
- Global ‘collapse’ in number of new coal-fired power plants | Environment |
- Taxonomies vs. Ontologies
- Climate change | Bank of England
- Mission Shakti: India shoots down live satellite in space, says PM Narendra
- The 32 Best Google Docs Add-ons in 2017
- The case for a Digital Ecosystem for the Environment – UN-SPBF
- The Art of Effective Visualization of Multi-dimensional Data
- MEPs approve sweeping changes to copyright law | Media | The Guardian
- Open Contracting for Infrastructure Data Standards Toolkit — Open Contracti
- ‘Coal is on the way out’: study finds fossil fuel now pricier than solar or
- Books & More | Don Bain
- Thinking visually about higher dimensions – YouTube
- The Sustainable Asset Valuation (SAVi) – Sustainable Asset Valuation (SAVi)
- how to do circular breathing on clarinet – Google Search
- Center for a Stateless Society » The Mall or the Agora? Revitalizing the An
- SRI Services response to ESMA Consultation Paper ‘On Integrating sustainabi
- Guest post: What do we know about climate change mitigation in cities? | Ca
- The case for a price floor in the EU ETS –
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- | The Global Risks Report 2018 – Reports – World Economic Forum
- Convery pp EU ETS – 5/28/08 AB 32 Informational Board Workshop
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- European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS)
- The Copenhagen Catalog
- Why climate action is the antithesis of white supremacy | Rebecca Solnit |
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- England could run short of water within 25 years | Environment | The Guardi
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- Observable
- Manifesto in favour of technological sovereignty and digital rights for cit
- Our Brains Instantly Make 2 Copies of Each Memory | NOVA | PBS | NOVA | PBS
- Distributing Chains | Research into emerging political and geographical imp
- punkish: Curriculum Vita
- Towards the neural population doctrine – ScienceDirect
- THE WHITE PAPER – ignota
- Security researchers reveal defects that allow wireless hijacking of giant
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- The powerful promise of open data and the network effect | GreenBiz
- DOGTV Relaxation: Siesta – YouTube
- The new ecosystem of trust: how data trusts, collaboratives and coops can h
- Use our personal data for the common good
- Home :: TICTeC
- Latest Generation of Lionfish-Hunting Robot Can Find and Zap More Fish Than
- Desalination Breakthrough: Saving the Sea from Salt – Scientific American
- Mapping the Mega-Regions Powering the World’s Economy – CityLab
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- Climate Change And Infrastructure: The Impact In 12 Photos – The One Brief
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- Predictive Markets: Predicting the rise of prediction markets | Analytics M
- G7 fossil fuel subsidy scorecard: tracking the phase-out of fiscal support
- How random can you be? | Lineae ex punctis
- Monopoly is the opposite of capitalism | Seth’s Blog
- The future of banking is open: How to seize the Open Banking opportunity –
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- Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 – Wikipedia
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- The Miraculous Hope of Climate Realists – EcoWatch
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- You created a machine learning application. Now make sure it’s secure. – O’
- FUTURO-A- The World’s Highest Experiment in Empathy Engineering on Flight L
- xkcd: Million, Billion, Trillion
- Josiah McElheny: Island Universe | Cantor Arts Center Exhibitions
- Xerox’s Paradox on Vimeo
- Large ‘Tesla ships’ all-electric container barges are launching this autumn
- Prioritization Tool for Product Teams
- Open Ecosystems In Financial Services: What Does This Mean For Banks? – Fin
- CGI launches CGI Open Finance to power and extend the new banking ecosystem
- A 1970s Essay Predicted Silicon Valley’s High-Minded Tyranny | WIRED
- The six core elements of ROCKSTAR customer experience – Interview with Jame
- Beyond the Gap – How Countries Can Afford the Infrastructure They Need whil
- Autonomous Vehicles May One Day Kill Car Insurance as We Know It – Bloomber
- Exploring project identifiers for infrastructure projects – Open Contractin
- Chernobyl: The end of a three-decade experiment – BBC News
- A thread written by @HutchinsonDave
- Cameras that understand: portrait mode and Google Lens — Benedict Evans
- We are not edging up to a mass extinction | Aeon Essays
- Coconut – Banking and accounting, in a nutshell
- Opinion | How Silicon Valley Puts the ‘Con’ in Consent – The New York Times
- Setup a Raspberry Pi to run a Web Browser in Kiosk Mode · DIE ANTWORT Techb
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- Urban Science | Free Full-Text | Principles for Integrating the Implementat
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- (How to Build) The Organizations of the Future – Eudaimonia and Co
- EE380 on 1/30/2019 (Wed)
- Tim O’Reilly’s argument against Reid Hoffman’s “Blitzscaling” — Quartz
- • Statista – The Statistics Portal for Market Data, Market Research and Mar
- (1) Facebook
- Business Daily – The Burning Question – BBC Sounds
- Radbot – Vestemi
- Defining a ‘data trust’ – The ODI
- #GoodID: Join the global movement for good digital identity (Good ID)
- Depth Ecology and Wild Ethics: Between the Human Animal and the Animate Ear
- The Food Programme – Who are the new generation shaking up the food system?
- Hackers Are Passing Around a Megaleak of 2.2 Billion Records | WIRED
- The city is my homescreen – Dark Matter and Trojan Horses – Medium
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- Fate of castles in the air in Turkey’s £151m ghost town | World news | The
- Could this community project be the start of a national transformation? | G
- Our Language Affects What We See – Scientific American
- Massive volcanic eruption in Scotland drove prehistoric global warming, sci
- ‘Worrying’ rise in global CO2 forecast for 2019 | Environment | The Guardia
- Open Data Pathway |
- DP18/8: Climate change and green finance | FCA
- The Investor Seth Klarman, in a Rare Interview, Offers a Warning. Davos Sho
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- 6 Segments infographic Keynote template – Free Download Now!
- African Open Science Platform
- BBC Two – Scotland’s Vital Spark: The Clyde Puffer
- Why the UK’s porn block is one of the worst ideas ever | WIRED UK
- Moustache Friday 27 | Official Moustache eBike Range 2019™ | Fully Charged
- Android malware uses accelerometer readings to figure out if it was running
- Raspberry Pi Kiosk using Chromium – Pi My Life Up
- The elite that failed – Bagehot
- How to Build a Fearless Culture – Liberationist
- No Starch Press | “The finest in geek entertainment”
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- Skills 2030: Securing the Talent to Build our Future Infrastructure
- The Future of Infrastructure | AECOM | Research and thought leadership into
- Risk Management & Resilience
- Marianne Le Gallo
- GDPR Compliance – Nextcloud
- – Ethical alternatives to popular sites and apps
- Steven Pinker’s ideas are fatally flawed. These eight graphs show why. | op
- Cory Doctorow: Disruption for Thee, But Not for Me – Locus Online
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- A Review into the Merits of Open Banking: Consultation Document – January 2
- | Time
-’s technology-driven strategy: It’s all about data
- ClimateCultures – creative conversations for the Anthropocene – exploring c
- Scientists close to first sighting of black hole in the Milky Way | Science
- Exclusive: VW, China spearhead $300 billion global drive to electrify cars
- Earth’s magnetic field is acting up and geologists don’t know why
- Subpixel Text Encoding –
- The Public Media Stack – Storythings Ltd – Medium
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- The Other Side of Mars – DocPoint Festivaali
- Draft Ethics guidelines for trustworthy AI | Digital Single Market
- Hydrogen power: China backs fuel cell technology | Financial Times
- 25 Years of Internet Radio: Part 1 –
- Childhood’s End |
- The best of 2018 wildlife photography awards – in pictures | Environment |
- Human dignity is in danger. In 2019 we must stand as one to survive | Ai We
- New Horizons heads for flyby of space rock 4bn miles from Earth | Science |
- A Business With No End – The New York Times
- The best films of 2018 … that you didn’t see | Film | The Guardian
- BLADE RUNNER 2049 – “Black Out 2022” Anime Short – YouTube
- The science stories that shook 2018 | Science | The Guardian
- Mars: Pictures reveal ‘winter wonderland’ on the red planet – BBC News
- Tom Schelling, Stanley Kubrick and Dr. Strangelove – YouTube
- Lindley: Study Guide to Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove
- #OPEN P11 – ABM – First workshop presentation – Google Slides
- Secure, Fast & Private Web Browser with Adblocker | Brave Browser
- Risks of ‘domino effect’ of tipping points greater than thought, study says
- So long and thanks for all the trains | Loco2
- Stencyl: Make iPhone, iPad, Android & Flash Games without code
- Paradiso (Dante) – Wikipedia
- Dante’s Universe, and Ours | NOVA | PBS
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- The universal decay of collective memory and attention | Nature Human Behav
- See New Zealand clearly – Figure.NZ
- Deepsync
- A Style-Based Generator Architecture for Generative Adversarial Networks –
- Scientists identify vast underground ecosystem containing billions of micro
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- C M Taylor on ‘keystroke logging project’ with British Library – English an
- The Joy of Local Food on Vimeo
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- Group led by Thomas Piketty presents plan for ‘a fairer Europe’ | World new
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- Chinese spacecraft to attempt first landing on far side of the moon | Scien
- Ancient, Unknown Strain of Plague Found in 5,000-Year-Old Tomb in Sweden
- The ‘great dying’: rapid warming caused largest extinction event ever, repo
- The Global Open Banking Snapshot Report – The Bud Publication
- Huawei faces catastrophe in the technology cold war | Technology | The Guar
- How Digital Archives Delete the Human Experience · The Walrus
- ‘Brutal news’: global carbon emissions jump to all-time high in 2018 | Envi
- The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O. review – the dark art of time travel | Books
- Customer Service Chats Are Watching You Type Before You Hit “Enter” – Hmm D
- (PDF) Quipu: High-performance simulation of quantum circuits using stabiliz
- Quantum knots are real — ScienceDaily
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- Data mine-ing – Nuffield Bioethics
- Data for the common good – framing the debate | Ada Lovelace Institute
- Historypin | Home
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- Workbench
- To Become a Space Faring Civilization, We need to Move Beyond Rockets, incl
- David Attenborough: collapse of civilisation is on the horizon | Environmen
- ‘Will I have existed?’ The unprecedented plan to move an Arctic city | Citi
- Terry Davis’ TempleOS Brutal Take Down of Linus Torvalds – YouTube
- The Troubled Legacy of Terry Davis, ‘God’s Lonely Programmer’ – The New Sta
- TempleOS – Wikipedia
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- Algoland: Biological Solutions to Clean Air and Clean Water |
- GeoGnomo
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- Climate-warming El Niño very likely in 2019, says UN agency | Environment |
- ? The future of blockchain; climate catastrophe; Zuckerberg’s failures; unp
- Climate CoLab
- MIT Center for Collective Intelligence |
- ‘The Academy Is Largely Itself Responsible for Its Own Peril’ – The Chronic
- On November 26th, a mole will land on Mars – The Oatmeal
- Talking Politics
- ⟣ Projects ⟢ — ⟜ R a c h e l ⋅ S u s s m a n ⤀
- UK Platforms | All Street
- Department for International Trade offers £85k for chief data officer | Civ
- Legal data infrastructure | Thomson Reuters Labs | Thomson Reuters
- UN Secretary-General Says We Have A Year and a Half to Avoid ‘Runaway’ Clim
- Forget GDP – for the 21st century we need a modern economic measure | World
- Air Pollution – Our World in Data
- Biblioteka Multimedialna – Main page
- Main page – NN Theatre
- What I Learned From Dot:Designing For All Of Us – ADJACENT Issue 1
- The Hidden Author of Putinism – The Atlantic
- MeWe – The Next-Gen Social Network | About
- Envato Elements | Unlimited InDesign Templates
- Electric vehicles spur race to mine deep sea riches | Financial Times
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- The plastic backlash: what’s behind our sudden rage – and will it make a di
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- Labsbl presentations
- A New Social Contract for the Digital Age – Kevin Keith
- Data, cities and a new civic pride. – Kevin Keith
- One Hour One Life on Steam
- When’s a backdoor not a backdoor? When the Oz government says it isn’t • Th
- Something New – Utopian Visions
- – I care about the future because it’s where I’m going to live
- Heading for extinction and what to do about it – YouTube
- Climate change and the case for ‘global breakdown cover’
- Investing in the open data economy – O’Reilly Radar
- Collectively, Indie Labels are Now Bigger Than Any Major Label
- The living forest: the Amazonian tribespeople who sailed down the Seine | G
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- ColorMag Theme Demo
- Opinion | Searching for Water Across Borders – The New York Times
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- KODEK – Space Hammer – YouTube
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- Epistemology In The Cloud.pages
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- PersonalData.IO
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- Struggle and Surrender : Process and Material in Painting.
- Edward Saperia
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- The Skins Factory – How Do You Interface With the World?
- As Japanese Bring Work Home, Virus Hitches a Ride – Los Angeles Times
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- Kim Jong-Il
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- begins hiring to save the planet | Googling Google |
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- Watch this space
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- Conference 2007 | NetSquared
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- The carbon-adjusted supply chain | InfoWorld | Column | 2006-11-22 | By Jon
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- WorldChanging: Tools, Models and Ideas for Building a Bright Green Future:
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- Green Homes | Special Offers | DIY Planet Repairs
- UK Gov acts to combat ‘cyber warming’
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- Government signals embrace of the power of information
- WorldChanging: Tools, Models and Ideas for Building a Bright Green Future:
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- Welcome to Stikir! – Stikir
- Crowlspace » Blog Archive » John Campbell’s Solar System
- Internet Archive: Details: Out of Chun
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- Source Code For Coordinate Transformation | The Buckminster Fuller Institut
- Digital Urban: 3D Printing at Home: Fab@Home
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- Renaissance on the waterfront | Evening Standard
- Westminster Carbon Counting Conference 2008
- Scientists image vivid ‘brainbows’ — The Harvard University Gazette
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- Mackie Forums Home: DATABASE: Photos Etc.
- Submissions
- BBC NEWS | Magazine | How to build your own Sputnik
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- The Future of Space Exploration
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- Everything is Miscellaneous
- Fair Use of Trademarks
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- Persephone – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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- AlgoSov – Observatory on Algorithmic Sovereignty.
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- Earth 2050
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- Informed decision-making through the ethical use of data.
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- milo-lab/biomass_distribution
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- Video Conferencing to Make Your Workplace Great | Lifesize
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- Paul Chadeisson – Flying cities
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- Global Thresholds & Allocations Council
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- Climate Resilience and Adaptation Finance & Technology Transfer Facility (C
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- Rebecca Solnit
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- A Quantum City
- Why the GDPR email deluge, and can I ignore it?
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- Maybe the Robots Will Give Everyone Free Stuff
- Articles by Matt Levine – Bloomberg View
- 11:FS Presents – The Beginner’s Guide to Open Banking – 11:FS
- One space between each sentence, they said. Science just proved them wrong.
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- Nonprofit AF
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- Data access
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- New – Registry of Open Data on AWS (RODA) | Amazon Web Services
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- Convert PDF Table to Excel, PDF to XLS — PDFTables
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- The Business Angel > High Net Worth Investors.
- Take Your Photography Business Online Here
- Every Black Hole Contains Another Universe?
- Sympathy for Mark Zuckerberg
- Government Workers are Stuck Redoing Things No One Can Find or Access
- Civil servants doomed to repeat work forgotten in digital revolution
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- Space Hackathon – GEOSS/HACK
- Fighting memory loss in government | Nesta
- Asset Integrity Solutions
- Welcome to the Open Standards for Data Handbook
- Scientists accidentally create mutant enzyme that eats plastic bottles
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- Data portability: the role governments should play – The ODI
- Open standards for data: adoption, approaches and impact – The ODI
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- New Zealand’s digital economy a ‘standout among standouts’ |
- Unleashing Technology, Media, and Telecom with Digital Transformation
- Kerry K. Taylor on Twitter
- Bitwig | Bitwig Studio
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- Insect numbers plummet 75%, putting the world on the edge of ‘ecological Ar
- ShareAction
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- Pwinty | On-Demand Print API
- T-shirt API | Rapanui
- Arctic jazz: bowhead whales are the coolest cats
- Nahum – Voyage: An encounter with a Neutrino (A Hypnosis Performance) | Art
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- Head of Responsible Business – Government Inclusive Economy Unit
- The web is under threat. Join us and fight for it.
- ATel #11448: Very bright optical transient near the Trifid and Lagoon Nebul
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- Keep on Doing — it’s not over yet. – Hermione Taylor – Medium
- Wallet Removal on March 30, 2018
- Home – Why Slavery?
- Real-time “CO2 intensity” site makes the case for midnight dishwashing
- Operation Teapot – Turk 28110 – YouTube
- LLNL Atmospheric Nuclear Tests – YouTube
- Welcome to Deep Fun: the virtual library of Bernard Louis De Koven: author,
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- Can’t everyone define the future?
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- Review into open banking in Australia – Issues Paper
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- Millennium People 3.0 (beta)
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- we can’t both be right.
- Open standards for data: adoption, approaches and impact | News | Open Data
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- Japan has just invented Robo-bees that can legitimately pollinate the earth
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- Katie Paterson, Merkske Books
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- Monika Moscibrodzka on Twitter
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- Google Ngram Viewer
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- Julie Freeman
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- Accelerating patient capital – Innovate UK
- ‘Space graffiti’: astronomers angry over launch of fake star into sky
- Bancor protocol
- Search for leader of Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation launched – GOV.U
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- Bob Wakelin – ExoticA
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- Open banking? I think I’ll be keeping my door shut | Patrick Collinson
- Home Page | CCAMLR
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- Open Banking: counting the steps towards a strong data infrastructure for t
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- Why blockchain is a belief system
- Part I – My Identity
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- Boats for sale Latvia, boats for sale, used boat sales, Commercial For Sale
- Boats for sale UK, boats for sale, used boat sales, Barges For Sale Dutch s
- I See You, $XRP.
- Home – Open Banking
- The ecological catastrophe that turned a vast Bolivian lake into a salt des
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- Vostok Station – Wikipedia
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- The Guardian view on quantum computing: the new space race | Editorial
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- Ten years in, nobody has come up with a use for blockchain
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- Buy Beasts of Balance, a stacking game of wild creation!
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- The Web is where it all went wrong
- Data sharing and open data for banks – report published by HM Treasury | Fi
- Our Obsession with Releasing is Hurting Us.
- Using Cryptocurrency Smart Contracts to Sell Shares of My House | Hacker Ne
- Robots can set us free and reverse decline, says Labour’s Tom Watson
- EmpathyLab
- Organization and Relationship Systems at Work
- (2) Laniakea: Our home supercluster – YouTube
- Mass starvation is humanity’s fate if we keep flogging the land to death |
- Shame
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- Shop
- Home – The Forward Institute
- Scaling Agile Project Management – Minimum Viable Bureaucracy
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- Agnotology – Wikipedia
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- Building Smarter Cities
- US military agency invests $100m in genetic extinction technologies
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- EFF Unboxes the iPhone X – YouTube
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- Team
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- Terms of Service; Didn’t Read
- Data Web – Wikipedia
- ‘We should be on the offensive’ – James Hansen calls for wave of climate la
- A mesh network spontaneously erupts in the US and helps connect Puerto Rico
- Home – Future Care Capital
- Vision 2030: A Connected Future
- About Us – Open Institute
- New report envisions the connected IoT future of 2030 and barriers to adopt
- Collective Member Graph
- Cryptosteel the master of all backups – Cryptosteel
- TREZOR Bitcoin Wallet | The original and most secure hardware wallet.
- Defining Tech We Trust
- Soverin
- The Jobs That Artificial Intelligence Will Create
- How Generative Music Works
- Technology for the Many: A Public Policy Platform for a Better, Fairer Futu
- Camden Unlocked :: Director of Corporate Strategy
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- Front Matter | Envisioning the Data Science Discipline: The Undergraduate P
- Fred Wilson on Twitter: “”We now have 30,000 data scientists …. 100x more
- Numerai
- Nick Harkaway: ‘I have a firework going off in my head and I have to descri
- Carbon-Free City Handbook – Rocky Mountain Institute
- Doomchained
- n-Dimensions
- Download –
- birds like wires | SqueezePlay OS for OpenFrame
- Astronomers discover a giant world – but is it a planet?
- Raspi-Sump – Al Audet
- 12 eTape Liquid Level Sensor extras ID: 464 – $39.95 : Adafruit Industrie
- Architects are suffering from “originality syndrome” says Winy Maas
- Electric cars’ green image blackens beneath the bonnet
- Feminist Internet Futures Studio
- HM Land Registry makes commercial ownership data free – GOV.UK
- China Has a Plan to Beat the U.S. in Space
- Human Mini-Brains Growing Inside Rat Bodies Are Starting to Integrate
- Julian Oliver – projects
- Nerds rejoice: Google just released its internal tool to collaborate on AI
- Trevor Wishart – Globalalia – YouTube
- An online tool for producers, sound engineers and musicians
- Manu Luksch: The Billion Dollar Dissident – On Smart Cities, Spyware and Si
- ‘Zombie star’ amazes astronomers by surviving multiple supernovae
- Building a new industry | Google
- Open Source Emissions Data |
- Tree That Owns Itself – Wikipedia
- ?⭐ The internet & civil society; state of cryptocurrency; sexism in tech &
- 2008 Constitution of Ecuador – Wikipedia
- Blue Ventures – Beyond Conservation
- UK joins the push for green standards :: Environmental Finance
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- Something is wrong on the internet
- Aisling Bea: ‘My father’s death has given me a love of men, of their vulner
- Monzo – It’s time for a new kind of bank
- PhD Thesis: Curating the Co-Inquiry
- ‘Looking blankly at absurdity’: inside the world of Private Eye’s cartoonis
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- Chief Executive – Prospectus
- The Future Of Politics | Inaugural Annual Summit | #T4G17
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- OpenFutures
- In search of the neutrino, ghost particle of the universe
- Why You Hate Contemporary Architecture | Current Affairs
- European Media Art Network Call
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- Individuals’ rights
- Our financial world is changing fast and it’s time to embrace this.
- One person’s history of Twitter, from beginning to end
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- Artificial intelligence risks GM-style public backlash, experts warn
- Danny O’Brien? on Twitter
- @20 (
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- 2067: “Every square centimetre will produce data” – Inria
- Introducing Interaction Value – Visceral Business – Medium
- We’re building a dystopia just to make people click on ads
- Element AI
- Bioneers
- Kylo Browser – Source Code – Home
- Hacking the O2 Joggler
- resisting-reduction
- No Time for Bullies: Baboons Retool Their Culture
- The First Climate Model Turns 50, And Predicted Global Warming Almost Perfe
- Kaggle: Your Home for Data Science
- Accidental Scientist Hawks ‘Online Marketplace for Brains’
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- Bloodhound SSC finally runs, breaks 210mph in first runway test
- Archive – AVC
- Here’s my PR tip for people (like me) who are terrible at PR a.k.a. the Tic
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- [1708.08887] Are there optical communication channels in the brain?
- Scientists Discover Biophotons In The Brain That Could Hint Our Consciousne
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- The UX-ification of research | Stripe Partners
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- Risk – Audio Described
- Risk | Official Movie Site | IN THEATERS MAY 5
- Provenance | Explore
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- tcjfs ? on Twitter
- Growing the artificial intelligence industry in the UK – GOV.UK
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- Scientists confirmed the theory behind the quantum networks of the future
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- The Future of the Internet – GOV.UK
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- Gavin Starks
- Aleph Search
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- Data is not binary
- White paper series | Opportunities and risks in emerging technologies
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- The Copenhagen Letter, 2017
- The Live Creature and Ethereal Things: bringing physics into the human expe
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- Grafana
- Our illusory sense of agency has a deeply important social purpose – Chris
- For millennia, we’d never seen anything like film cuts. How do we process t
- Data Register I Texuna
- The Clean Trade Declaration
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- From Clapping to Likes, and Back Again
- Scientists just turned light-based information into readable soundwaves
- (4) Facebook
- How to run an unconference (and why you should!)
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- Neither neoliberalism nor Putin. Democracy has a bigger problem.
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- Bell’s Theorem: The Quantum Venn Diagram Paradox – YouTube
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- Leonardo da Vinci’s notebooks have been completely digitized — and you can
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- Isaac Newton’s Principia – Kronecker Wallis
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- Upwork, the world’s largest online workplace
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- Cassini: Mission to Saturn: Resources
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- ALGOMECH – the Festival of Algorithmic and Mechanical Movement
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- The Internet of Agreements
- Tim O’Reilly
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- Oh, what big eyes you have!
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- Startup Commons Global
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- – Exploring the Nature caused by People.
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- How the Heck Did We Get Here? | Cleantech Investing : Greentech Media
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- Antisocial personality disorder – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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- Graham’s number – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Mastering the Art of Living Meaningfully Well – Umair Haque – Harvard Busin
- Broad Institute Director Finds Power in Numbers –
- 2011: Full of surprise, relief and general awesomeness | Captain’s Blog | R