The Dgen Constellation includes seven domain experts (two are listed below) who have extensive experience in open banking. We work with governments and businesses (large and small) on strategic framing, policy and innovation challenges that create impact.
Cynthia Rudge, Director — Open Banking & Open Finance
Cynthia has 30 years of corporate, consulting and entrepreneurial experience.
After studying Economics at McGill University, she embarked on a 15-year career in Financial Services, working at Richardson Securities, Merrill Lynch and finally Wood Gundy, subsequently acquired by CIBC, where she was a Vice President & Director and member of the Operating Committee. Business areas that she has been involved in include government finance, private client and wealth management, and institutional equity. She has worked in executive positions including finance, strategy, and global technology project leadership.
In consulting roles, Cynthia has been a director of capital markets boutique Oliver Wyman, as well as by herself and with other partners overseeing highly data-driven projects for the likes of the Toronto Stock Exchange and TD Investment Banking, and supported strategy development for the Board of pension plan HOOPP.
Since 2000, she has been involved in a range of digital technologies initiatives including think-tank the Digital Alliance for Converging Technologies, and in clean technology companies and projects with activities including venture and private equity fundraising, market development and M&A. Arenas where she has conducted business include North America, the UK and Europe, Australia, India and China.
More recently, her interest in the digital transformation occurring in Banking and Financial Services has led her to join as Director of Open Banking.
Gavin Starks, Founding Chair, UK Open Banking Standard; Advisor, UK Open Finance
On behalf of HM Treasury, Gavin co-chaired the development of Open Banking Standard, leading banks, trade associations, startups, regulators and consumer rights organisations to help create new regulation. He has advised the UK Financial Conduct Authority, Payments New Zealand and Finance Canada.
He has worked with public and private sectors internationally at the highest levels: from government ministers across countries to C-suite leaders. He sat on the GLA Smart London board for three years and provided evidence to a Parliamentary Select Committee on ‘Big Data”.
This work has led to his recognition as one of the most influential people in data, and awards for innovation and expertise, and regular international talks on innovation, the web of data and its impact on society.