
To a scribe

To a scribe.

Early adopters of the Internet were scribes. This is why we drown in text.

Although around since pre-history, we evolved through our visual and aural cultures. Our Speech, Music, Photography, Video and Art combined outweigh our written word.

Our past century gradually re-invented visual and aural tradition; cultured in a globalised petri-dish of radio, then televised, we telephoned, and now are freely mobile favoured.

Desperately re-inventing our communication – PCs arrive pre-packed with webcam and sound capture. Our mobiles embraced our scribe desires without them noticing, and now have eyes to ensnare our motion.

Politicians turned inside-out – removed from the abstract reportage, to the direct, the live transmission.

Our news is skewed in minute-sized chunks updated by the hour. A smiling face with crisp suit and honest blue eyes. Then an intermission.

Those who always wanted to write the book, be the reporter, they have their mecca. A blog a day to alleviate the daily slog. A million ways to say “look I said this before, in writing”. Read our history and draw your own conclusions – so inviting.

Those who want to be on TV, on Radio or “in the media” now get their first taste of freedom. Watch our world and listen to our people, we too have more than one voice in this kingdom.

Technology to “free your mind”, with drug-induced egocentricity rushes to carry the music of our sphere, to make our movie, compose the music to our self-fulfilling vision. Now we have our desktop ‘super’, our megapixel, our Terabyte on our desk, our broadband band collision.

This distribution strata, so kind to the scribe, will evolve and give to those with more bits to share with their worlds. The stream, the webcast, the media download, so alien to our earlier brethren must break its path into its new world, and create its own religion.

Write about us, write to us, write with us.

With love from those who think in pictures and hear music in your words.