BBC iPlayer

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As we near the launch there are some great pieces starting to hit the wire… Currybet start with this great set of predictions, of which […]

Live Earth

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Live Earth is live. I’m wondering what it’d be like if it’d been held by Global Cool instead of Al Gore… my weekend would certainly […]

Fantastic visualisations

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This is a great set of visualisations – would be great to see the originals (which are 10 foot wide) For example, “Depicts 11,000 […]

EMI and iTunes ditch DRM

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at. last. Of course, all CI’s clients already sell non-DRM’d music…

Reducing co2 at home

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The new UK policy regarding profiling the energy efficiency of your home as part of its sale will help reduce the UK’s co2 profile. For […]

Global Cool v0.3

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We’ve launched v0.3 of the site, with an all-new carbon calculator with more valid and traceable calculations and tied into both your user profile, and […]

Global Cool bubbling

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Some interesting pieces coming out now… On the CEO, Julian Knight, in the Telegraph. On some of the media relationships… Satellite Party: Aspen Times Hollywood […]

Cooltube v0.1 launches

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Not to be confused with 1980s UK TV show “The Tube“, or the London Underground, we just launched With lots more content to come.


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finally got around to watching the insane, dangerously irresponsible video that is “they call it polution we call it life” the mind boggles (and […]

CMBR – MRI/CT scans

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Random conversations are great. I’ve been looking at mappings between cosmology and ‘other things’ for several years now. Recent conversations keep orbiting links between psychology, […]

Interdependence Day

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Interesting event today at the Royal Geographic Society. The only thing missing from the site (and the RGS site!) is the address … so […]

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“a gathering of video makers, programmers and web producers developing online video distribution as a tool for social justice and media democracy.” it said. it […]

In response to…. PPL Licensing

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In the guardian again, this time with my exequo hat on.,,1766532,00.html Again, it’s not a “bad thing” but an evolution of a licensing framework […]